Bad days happen. We all have them, those days when we feel a bit down or low and nothing seems to go our way. It’s normal to have a few down days every now and then but you don’t have to resign yourself to a bad day or let a bad mood dominate you.
Here the Thrive wellbeing team shares some quick strategies for an instant lift in mood and help put a smile on your face.
Understand and observe your mood
To manage our mood, we need to observe them and understand why we are feeling that way. If you are having a bad day, take note of your feelings – are you feeling sad, angry, frustrated? Reflect on what happened that led you to feel like this and whether the day got worse or better.
Observe where your mood is steering you and tell yourself that you can master and control your mood.
Listening to music can have a major impact on how you are feeling. Research shows that music can influence our emotions as it can boost the production of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which evokes feelings of happiness, relaxes the mind and body, and relieves stress.
There are countless mood-boosting playlists on Spotify if you are looking for inspiration.
Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body which helps instantly boost your mood. So, get those endorphins pumping by engaging in some movement – dance, shake your body, do some jumping jacks, or get outside for a walk.
Any movement will help lift your mood and calm you down.
It sounds cheesy but it is amazing what smiling can do. Research has indicated that the simple act of smiling activates mood-boosting hormones and can literally ‘trick’ your brain into a state of happiness and improve your positivity. It can even boost your immune system.
This applies to genuine and not-so-genuine smiles, so fake it ‘til you make it!
Release the emotions
Suppressing or holding onto your emotions can lead to further negative thinking, it can even lead to physical stress on the body. So, it is always best to let it out.
If you feel sad, allow yourself to cry. Feeling angry, scream. Feeling overwhelmed, mediate.
Whatever outlet you choose, it is important to release the emotion and let go of the negative energy.
Do something new
Routine is good for us but switching it up from time to time and adding something that is out of the norm for us can really brighten up a day. Studies suggest that those who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions.
Try a different coffee order, add a pastry with it, take a different route home, go to the cinema or even wear something you wouldn’t normally wear. Anything that challenges our routine a little will give you a lift.
Do something nice for someone else
A quick good deed or small act of kindness can go a long way to helping us feel more positive.
Taking the focus away from yourself and doing something nice for someone else can make your feel good and instantly boost your happiness.
Good Company
Having a conversation with a friend or loved one is another great way to combat a low mood. Vent if you need to, as sharing can make you feel better and take the weight out of your feelings.
A fun, light-hearted conversation will help put a smile on your and take your mind away from whatever is causing a low mood.
If you find a low mood is persistent and impacting your day-to-day, you may consider seeking support. The Thrive Wellbeing Hub offers confidential wellbeing support such as a one-to-one listening service, wellbeing coaching, and professional counselling.
We also host a wealth of insightful and practical wellbeing webinars that may help you in your efforts, you can visit our Help & Guides page to view.
For more advice, contact the team by email at: or by phone: (+353) 86 0243294.