Struggling to balance work, life and study? Edel Walsh shares the power of the “one percent rule” – a simple yet effective approach to tackling exams through small, daily wins that add up to big success
You are juggling your personal life, a demanding job and the pressure of professional exams. Time is limited, and there never seems to be enough hours in the day. While you may be trying to study after a long day’s work, you might feel tired and stressed, unsure of where to begin. The sheer volume of information can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination.
However, the good news is that small efforts in your study can yield significant results.
Embrace the power of “one percent improvement” or the “one percent rule”, as I call it. This focuses on making small, daily progress towards your study and exam goals.
How it works
Instead of trying to tackle the entire syllabus in one go, ask yourself, “What can I do today to get just one percent in my exam?”
One percent could be:
Reading a single page of a textbook and doing a brain dump afterwards.
Solving one practice question from your question bank.
Reviewing a single accounting standard and doing a practice quiz on this.
Testing yourself on your bank of flashcards.
Watching a five-minute video lecture and reflecting on what you learned in that video.
While initially this may feel slow and like you are making little progress on your syllabus, before you know it, all of the one percent will have turned into a significant amount of study and learning.
When you are studying, I recommend you start your study session by setting yourself a learning goal.
For example, “Today I want to earn one percent in my financial reporting exam by learning and understanding the double entry booking for the acquisition of fixed assets”.
Then, do your focused learning and study for 25 minutes. This might include reading your notes on the topic, doing a brain dump of what you have just read and doing a practice question without the solutions in front of you.
Once your 25 minutes is up, you must hold yourself to account. Did you achieve your learning goal? If yes, celebrate this small win. If not, that’s okay. What can you do the next time you study this topic to enhance your understanding?
Why one percent matters
Starting your study is often the hardest part. Sometimes, you don’t know where to start! By focusing on such a small, achievable goal, like “what can I do today to earn one percent in my exam?”, you eliminate the fear of everything that needs to be covered, and you start building momentum.
To run a marathon, you must start by taking the first step.
The one percent rule builds consistency in your study routine. Even 25 minutes of focused study to get your one percent each day is far more effective than cramming right before your exam.
Consistency is key to long-term learning and retention. Learning must be slow and effortful for it to be effective.
The one percent rule encourages continuous improvement. By consistently making small gains and progress in your study, you will gradually build a strong foundation of knowledge. It focuses on progress, not perfection. This approach shifts your mindset from achieving perfection to celebrating the small wins.
Tips for implementation
Schedule dedicated study time
Fifteen to thirty minutes of uninterrupted focus study time each day can make a significant difference.
As you all have busy jobs to contend with as well as your study and personal life, it is important to be realistic about when you can schedule this dedicated study time.
For example, if you commute to work, you could bring your flash cards with you and test yourself on your commute.
If you find you are too exhausted to study when you come home from work, can you get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and get your studying done before the day starts? Look at the options that are available to you.
Use the Pomodoro technique
The Pomodoro technique is focusing on a task for 25-minute intervals with short, five-minute breaks.
This helps maintain focus and concentration, boosts motivation and can act as a deterrent to procrastination. It will result in higher productivity.
Reward yourself
Celebrate your small victories. Celebrate your “one percent”. This will keep you motivated.
Embracing growth
Accountancy exams are undoubtedly challenging. However, by embracing the one percent rule, you can transform your study from an overwhelming hurdle to a series of manageable steps.
While one percent may seem insignificant, the impact of consistent, incremental progress can be incredible. This compounding effect can lead to exponential growth in your knowledge and understanding.
It’s not about achieving perfection. It is about consistent, incremental progress. Focus on making small, daily improvements, and see your knowledge and confidence grow.