As readers will know, the Tax Administration Liaison Committee (TALC) is the forum where practitioners can make recommendations to achieve more effective and efficient tax administration. The Institute attends TALC under the auspices of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies – Ireland (CCAB-I). There are several committees operating under TALC. Below we bring you updates from recent meetings of Main TALC, the TALC Indirect Taxes Sub-committee, and the TALC Direct and Capital Taxes Sub-committee.
The September meeting of Main TALC took place last week at Revenue’s Bishop’s Square offices. The agenda included an update from Revenue Technical Services (RTS), Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR), and Pillar Two. At the meeting we also raised the matter of customer service standards, noting certain issues which have been brought to our attention by members in recent months. Revenue acknowledged our concerns and committed to a full discussion at the December meeting of the group. We also noted the ROS downtime on Saturday 7 September.
On RTS, Revenue informed the group that it will be hosting webinars on 26 and 27 November 2024 to assist taxpayers making submissions to the RTS. The purpose of the webinars is to enhance the quality of submissions made to it and input has been sought from Main TALC on specific areas of focus for the webinars. The group noted that the webinars will be of great benefit to taxpayers.
Regarding ERR, Revenue updated the group on returns submitted to date. The latest data shows that returns have been made by 41,797 employers for around 665,000 employees representing in-scope benefits of €975 million. The majority of the payments made relate to travel and subsistence.
Lastly, on Pillar Two, Revenue noted that it is significantly increasing its resources to manage Pillar Two. There has also been a significant body of work throughout the summer to prepare for the commencement of Pillar Two compliance cycles in 2025.
TALC Indirect Taxes Sub-committee
At the recent meeting of the TALC Indirect Taxes Sub-committee, the group discussed various matters including issues arising with RCT and the VAT reverse charge mechanism, the status of the EU VAT in a Digital Age (ViDA) file, the recent VAT Modernisation (VATMod) consultation, and the categorisation of certain psychotherapeutic and counselling services for VAT purposes.
On the status of ViDA, Revenue officials noted that at the ECOFIN meeting in June, a Member State had exercised its veto due to a perceived issue with the “deemed supplier” obligations. A further update will hopefully be available at the next meeting in November.
Regarding the recent VATMod consultation, Revenue informed the group that a findings’ report issued. In total, there were 1,100 responses. The group agreed to arrange a meeting to discuss the findings’ report and Revenue acknowledged the quality and breadth of feedback provided.
TALC Direct and Capital Taxes Sub-committee
At the recent meeting of the TALC Direct and Capital Taxes Sub-committee, the group discussed various matters including RCT and the VAT reverse charge mechanism, the review process for Tax and Duty Manuals (TDMs), the tax treatment of Islamic financial transactions, TAC determination 44TACD2024, and the requirement to provide a breakdown of distributions from an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF), as well as various guidance updates.
The issue regarding RCT and VAT reverse charge relates to a question on the part of an RCT contract which the VAT reverse charge applies to. Revenue noted that the reverse charge only applies to construction services. The matter is also being considered by the TALC Indirect Taxes Sub-committee and officials from Revenue are aware of the discussions in both groups.
On the TDM review process, practitioners noted that issues with wording applied to TDMs while under review. There is a concern that the phrase, “The guidance may not reflect Revenue’s current position” is too broad. In the absence of a specific explanation on what is actually under consideration at a particular time, it casts any technical position into uncertainty until such time as the manual is refreshed or reinstated. Revenue will consider betters options in this regard but also noted the importance of appropriate wording.
In relation to 44TACD2024, practitioners queried whether this would influence Revenue’s approach to dealing with ARFs. Revenue noted that the case was determined on its facts and does not have precedential value.