Revenue has updated the Tax and Duty Manual which provides guidance on the anti-hybrid rules.
The amendments are as follows:
Section 1: Introduction to hybrid mismatches, to clarify that OECD guidance on hybrid mismatches cannot be relied upon to disapply the hybrid mismatch rules in ATAD2, as transposed into Part 35C.
Section 2: Mismatch outcomes, updated to introduce the concept of primary and defensive anti-hybrid rules.
Section 3: Interpretation (Section 853Z), updated to include definitions of ‘deduction’ and ‘structured arrangement’.
Section 4.2.1 Section 835Z(1)(a), updated to include an example of a territory that applies tax to some, but not all, entities.
Section 5.1 Worldwide system of taxation, updated to include guidance on how to deal with loss making branches with trapped losses
Section 7.1.1 Associated enterprises, updated to clarify scenarios where a 50 per cent Associated Enterprise Test Applies instead of a 25 per cent test.