Welcome to the latest edition of Technical Roundup.
In developments since the last edition, the Institute has published new guidance Technical Alert 04/2024 – Sample CSRD Limited Assurance Report in accordance with ISAE (Ireland) 3000 as required by Section 1613 of the Companies Act 2014. The UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) has published a Draft Endorsement Criteria Assessment on the potential use in the UK of the International Accounting Standards Board’s ‘Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments’.
Read more on these and other developments that may be of interest to members below.
Financial Reporting
On 10 December, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) held their 2024 conference entitled ‘Advancing Transparency & Competitiveness in Challenging Times’. A recording of this event is now available to view on EFRAG’s website.
The body responsible for drafting the next version of the Charity SORP has provided an update on the development of the next version of the standard, which will incorporate the recent changes in UK and Irish GAAP. The SORP making body plan to submit a draft SORP to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in January 2025. Once the draft has been approved by the FRC, the draft SORP will be subject to a 12-week consultation period (expected no later than March). The SORP making body have also stated that they expect the updated SORP to be issued in Autumn 2025, with an effective date of 1 January 2026.
The FRC is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, 15 January on the topic of recent amendments to FRS 102 to discuss how it will impact UK charities and how they can start preparing for implementation of the updated reporting requirements.
The UK Endorsement Board (UKEB) has published a Draft Endorsement Criteria Assessment on the potential use in the UK of the International Accounting Standards Board’s Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. Comments are welcomed by UKEB by 10 January.
UKEB has published a draft comment letter for public consultation in response to the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB) Exposure Draft Provisions – Targeted Improvements. Comments are welcomed by UKEB until 10 February 2025.
The UK Government have issued their Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) which sets out guidance for preparing government annual reports and accounts in the United Kingdom.
The Institute has published new guidance ‘Technical Alert 04/2024 – Sample CSRD Limited Assurance Report in accordance with ISAE (Ireland) 3000 as required by Section 1613 of the Companies Act 2014’. The Technical Alert has been prepared to assist members reporting on the limited assurance engagements under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”) and in compliance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (Ireland) 3000 .
Anti–money laundering and sanctions
In December 2024 the Minister for Justice passed Regulations which from 30 December prescribes crypto asset service providers as a designated person under the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing ) Act 2010 and prescribes the Central Bank of Ireland as the competent authority for crypto-asset service providers.
Accountancy Europe have issued a factsheet: Navigating the EU Anti-Money Laundering Regulation: Key Issues for the Accountancy Profession on their website.
The European Banking Authority latest newsletter was published in the last few weeks. Take a look for a roundup of the last few months and a preview of what lies ahead. Please click to access the EBA AML CFT newsletter here.
On 16 December 2024 the European Union adopted its 15th package of sanctions measures. The package includes travel bans and asset freeze measures against natural persons and legal persons, entities, or bodies, updated sectoral sanctions and extension of derogations. Click to read the European Council press release giving details of the 15th package. The derogation in certain circumstances from the prohibition on provision of services including accounting and auditing services (which prohibition exists since the 6th package of sanctions in 2022) has been extended to 31 December 2025. Please click for further details in our news item.
Accountancy Europe have published a new webpage of FAQs: fundamentals to assurance on sustainability reporting which provides answers to frequently asked questions on sustainability reporting assurance.
EFRAG has published an addendum to EFRAG IG 3 ‘ESRS Datapoints’, which is part of EFRAG's non-authoritative implementation guidance on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRSs).
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the We Mean Business Coalition (WMBC), together with the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA), have published a report titled ‘Building Trust in Sustainability Reporting and Preparing for Assurance: Governance and Controls for Sustainability Information’.
Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) is preparing a series focused on nature to assist accountants and finance professionals in shaping a nature-positive economy that supports long-term value creation. The first guide in the series, The Business Case for Nature, explains why nature is vital to business and offers clear steps and practical tips for developing the business case for your organization.
Central Bank of Ireland
The Central Bank of Ireland has announced the establishment of a dedicated Fitness and Probity Unit.
Other news
The Institute has revised the Public Practice Regulations with effect from 1 January 2025. Please click here for a news item on revision of Public Practice Regulations from the Institute’s Professional Standards Department on the amendments.
The Institute has revised the CPD Regulations with effect from 1 January 2025. Please click here for a news item on revision of CPD Regulations from the Institute’s Professional Standards Dept. on the changes.
In December 2024 the UK Government laid the legislation, the Companies (Accounts and Reports) (Amendment and Transitional Provision) Regulations 2024 before Parliament to increase the monetary size thresholds for micro, small and medium-sized entities. It also removes certain requirements from the Directors’ Report. Please also click to read the explanatory memorandum to the legislation for further insight into the changes.
The new monetary size threshold changes are effective from 6 April 2025.

In conjunction with commencement of Screening of Third Country Transactions Act 2023 on 6 January 2025, the Dept. of Enterprise Trade and Employment has launched an Inward Investment Screening mechanism whereby transactions that meet certain criteria are notified using a new Inward Investment Screening (IIS) online portal, and checked to make sure all is in order before being given the green light to proceed, or to modify or cancel the investment. Please click for all the details on the new system, including access to the new IIS portal.
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a Feedback Statement summarising the responses it received to its Consultation Paper (CP) on the securitisation disclosure templates under the Securitisation Regulation (SECR).
The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) has launched a public consultation on its draft Revised IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision. The process is due to be closed by 14 February 2025.
The Corporate Enforcement Authority have recently issued ‘A graduated response’ which details specific criminal offences and the range of civil enforcement measures available under the Companies Act 2014.
For further technical information and updates please visit the Technical Hub on the Institute website.
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