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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Update on efforts to improve MyEnquiries

Several corrections to MyEnquiries functions were due to take affect last month, according to an update provided by Revenue at a recent TALC meeting in response to feedback from practitioners. Revenue also set out how a tax agent can access his/her clients’ LPT records.

The following corrections should have taken effect from 27 March:

  • The tracking system will change the term “pending” to ‘received’ so it is more intuitive for customers/tax agents accessing myAccount and ROS.
  • The status on the landing page/tax agent’s inbox in MyEnquiries will match the status within the thread except for Revenue initiated queries with no subsequent interactions on the thread. For example, tax agents reported issues with “Revenue Initiated” showing on the landing page when it should be showing as completed as per the MyEnquiries thread and this issue will be rectified.

Practitioners also reported that a client’s tax reference number was not showing in the Agent’s inbox when Revenue initiated a MyEnquiries communication, and this issue is resolved following a system update in January.

Revenue confirmed that the option to represent clients for LPT purposes is available to agents and they can access their clients’ LPT records via ROS and file returns/payments on their behalf. For LPT purposes, the property rather than the taxpayer is the taxable entity so agents must specify the properties to which they require access. Tax agents can submit access requests to LPT Branch either in writing or via the email address

Agents must submit the following with their requests:

  • Property ID(s) and property address(es) to which they require access.
  • Written confirmation from the liable person that the agent is to represent them for specific properties.

Once an agent request is received, LPT Branch issues a letter of confirmation to the liable person advising that access has been granted to their agent for the specified properties.

Chartered Accountants Ireland, under the auspices of the CCAB-I, will continue to engage with Revenue to improve the functioning of MyEnquiries and to suggest functions for ROS to reduce MyEnquiries communication. Please provide us with feedback on your suggestions to improve MyEnquiries by emailing us at