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Local Property Tax Act 2012 (Number 52 of 2012)

5 Long term mental or physical infirmity.

(1) In this section, a “registered medical practitioner” means a medical practitioner who is registered in the register established under section 43 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007.

(2) A residential property shall not, [2]>for the purposes of this Act<[2][2]>for the purposes of section 16(1)<[2], be regarded as a relevant residential property where—

(a) the property was [3]>occupied by a person who, apart from this paragraph, would be a liable person,<[3][3]>occupied by a person, being a liable person in relation to that property,<[3] as his or her sole or main residence and—

(i) has been vacated by the person for a period of at least 12 months by reason of long term mental or physical infirmity of the person which infirmity has been certified by a registered medical practitioner, or


(ii) if the period for which the property is vacated by the person is less than 12 months, where a registered medical practitioner is satisfied that the person is unlikely at any stage to resume occupation of the property, provided that the property is not occupied by any other person,



(ii) if the period for which the property is vacated by the person is less than 12 months, where a registered medical practitioner is satisfied that the person is unlikely at any stage to resume occupation of the property, [4]>provided that the property is not occupied by any other person,<[4][4]>provided that the property is not occupied by any other liable person in relation to that property,<[4]



(b) the property is used exclusively for the care of individuals who have been certified by a registered medical practitioner as suffering from long term mental or physical infirmity and is registered under section 4 of the Health (Nursing Homes) Act 1990.


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Substituted by F(LPT)AA13 s16(c). Has effect as on and from 13 March 2013.


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Substituted by F(LPT)AA21 s9(a). Applies only in respect of the year 2022 and each subsequent year.


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Substituted by F(LPT)AA21 s9(b). Applies only in respect of the year 2022 and each subsequent year.


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Substituted by F(LPT)AA21 s9(c). Applies only in respect of the year 2022 and each subsequent year.