Stamp Duties Consolidation Act, 1999 (as amended up to and including Finance Act (No.2) 2023)
- Section 20 — Assessment of duty by Commissioners.
- Section 21 — Right of appeal of persons dissatisfied with assessment or decision.
- Section 22 — [ Bills and notes purporting to be drawn outside the State.] [section deleted]
- Section 23 — Restriction on stamping after execution.
- Section 24 — [ One bill only of a set need be stamped.] [section deleted]
- Section 25 — Denotion of duty by adhesive stamps.
- Section 26 — [Certain bills issued by local authorities to be chargeable as promissory notes.] [section deleted]
- Section 27 — Stamping of certain foreign bills of exchange.
- Section 28 — [ Notes promising the payment of sum of money out of a particular fund, etc.] [section deleted]
- Section 29 — Conveyance on sale combined with building agreement for dwellinghouse or apartment.